Web Design Blog

The Secret To Writing Great Website Copy – Secret 1

Don’t Talk About Your Business – Talk About Your Client’s Business

TThe Secret to Writing Great Website Copy

When writing content for their website, most businesses talk about what they do and how they do it. As a potential customer I’m only mildly interested in how you do what you do. I care greatly about what you’re going to do for me!

In other words, what’s in it for me? Why should I choose your product or service? What does your product or service do for me that your competition doesn’t?

If I’m buying an exercise machine, I want to know, how this machine is going to change my body and my lifestyle, I’m not really interested in the history of the machine, how it is manufactured and what amazing manufacturing process is used to create it. I want to know how it will improve my life!

Keep this simple secret in mind when writing your website copy, particularly on your home page. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression!

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